Open Banking and Data Sharing

The Open Banking industry is expected to generate £7.2bn in revenue by 2022, 71% of SME’s and 64% of retail consumers are forecasted to adopt it over the same period according to Accenture.  

Open Banking in the UK and the Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2) enacted by the European Union (EU). Are government regulations that compels banks to open their historical and current customer data to 3rd parties.

Forecasting Customer Churn with Machine Learning

 As organisations migrate from a product-centric stance to more of a customer-centric orientation. Retaining existing customers, has become one of the key mantras for success.

Customer churn management can be a useful tool to gain competitive advantage, within industries, where the ability to switch from one brand to the other is relatively easy.

Healthcare Data and Precision Medicine

The past decade has seen a Tsunami of data produced within and outside the healthcare apparatus. Modern inquiries into determining healthcare outcomes at an individual level and across populations. Requires significant trans-disciplinary expertise to extract valuable information, and gain actionable knowledge to deliver positive healthcare outcomes.

Nutrigenomics, and Personalised Health

The global nutrigenomics market size is expected to reach USD 850.86 million by 2025. Registering a CAGR of 16.48%. Obesity is the biggest segment for nutrigenomics and is projected to account for 38% of the total industry by 2025.

Nutrigenomics is the study of molecular relationships between nutritional stimuli and the response of the genes. It opens a window in our understanding of how nutrition influences metabolic pathways and homeostatic control.

Microinsurance, in a Rapidly Digitising World

Lloyds, the world's leading specialist in the Insurance market. Estimated the insurance opportunity in developing countries to be between 1.5 to 3 billion policies.

In 2017 according to the insurance information institute, there was a total of 280 million people with at least one microinsurance policy or 5% of the potential market. Premiums were valued at US$2.4bn.  With annual growth rates of 10% or higher in some countries.

Innovations in Payments the Chinese Story

Digital transformation, across other industries, exposed consumers, to the convenience, and ease of use of tech enabled digital products. SME’s and consumers, of retail finance products, expect the same level of immediacy and customisable products and services.

Digital Wallets and the Disruption of Payments in Financial Services

Payments represent the sum of consumer experience on a microscopic level. Digital transactions reflect what consumers can afford, their ever-changing desires and the richness, and level of sophistication of the trading environments, represented by the cities that consumers reside within. 

The nearly universal adoption of mobile devices is driving the adoption of mobile payment solutions and the growth of non -cash transactions.

Fintech and the Disruption of Financial Services

Presently, 30% of the world’s adult population is unbanked, 80% of SME’s worldwide have no access to formal financial systems and 90% of the adult population in developing countries do not have access to a credit card. The International Finance Corporation (IFC) reported a funding gap of more than US$ 2 trillion for (SME’s) in emerging markets. Hence the World Bank and the G20 are collaborating to solve this challenge. 

APIs in the Fashion Industry

One of the spillover effects of opacity within fashion retailers supply chain network is that fashion retailers and their suppliers may not share returns data. Leading to information distortion. And the emergence of one of the most intractable challenges, impacting the apparel industry, the “return’s process”.

According to KPMG, it costs UK retailers £6obn per annum. In the U.S. alone, Statista estimates return deliveries will cost $550 billion by 2020, 75.2% more than four years prior.

Fashion Supply Chains, Real-Time Data, and AI

Data and information are the foundation of fast fashion agile supply chains. Hence the expeditious flows of accurate, timely, information. Facilitates accurate responses without waste.   

Hence, the strategic objective of an organisation, in this context. Is the reduction of processes involved in the buying cycle and lead times for getting goods to market at peak consumer demand.  

Fast Fashion and Supply Chain Management

Supply chains are another facet of competition, and the success or failure of supply chains is ultimately determined in the marketplace by the consumer. 

Getting the right product, to market, at the right price and the right time. To consumers across multiple time zones, and geographies is not only the lynch pin to competitive success, but is also the key to survival.

Moore’s Law and Gene Sequencing

The first human genome based on the Sanger technology, a gene sequencing method, occurred in 2001. The Human Genome Project, was a multinational collaboration, that took 13 years to complete, involved hundreds of DNA sequencing machines and cost, approximately between US$0.5-US$1bn. 

Personalised Health, the US$141.70 bn Opportunity

Across the globe, consortiums, comprised of government, academia, companies from the field of genetics, venture capital and healthcare institutions are collaborating on population-wide genomic projects. Primarily to lay the foundation for precision medicine. Through the derivation of insights obtained from the genomic data of thousands of people across the globe.

Genomics the Next Leap Forward in Healthcare

There is a growing demand from consumers to gain access to more personalised health information. That provide insights into their predisposition to diseases, guidelines into diet based on nutrigenomics, and their culturally specific needs. As consumers connect, food choices, the environment and their genetics to health.  A number of movements such as the Wellness, the Quantified-Self and the Bio-Citizen are converging around genomics.   

The Google Play Store

The dashboard below represents 17,000 reviews of 277 apps, from a total of 40 countries across 43 categories. The data was scrapped off Google Play the app store. The digital distribution service operated and owned by Google Inc.   

The Applications Economy

The global app economy is estimated to be worth US$1.6 trillion. Growth is based on the near universal use of handheld devices, increasing wireless bandwidth, and the maturation of cloud-based technologies, mobile platforms and their associated apps.